Parameter                    Regular Value    Actual Value
          ---------                    -------------    ------------

Input files:

          A and B decks                                    ep122002
          Control forecast                                 SHIP
          PI file (clim, cola, or mitf)                    cola
          Use shear files?                                 y

Initial Conditions:

          Radius of Max. Winds (km)         60.0000        70.0000
          Radius of Zero Wind (km)         400.0000       400.0000
          Initial wind offset (m/s)          0.0000         0.0000
          Initial intensification            0.0000         0.0000
              offset (m/s/day)
          Minimum wind speed (m/s) below    17.0000        12.0000
            which beginning of track truncated

Numerical Parameters:

          Number of Nodes                     50             50
          Time Step (sec)                   10.0000        20.0000
          Radius of Outer Wall (km)       1000.0000      1000.0000

Do you want ocean mixing turned on?           y              y

Display parameters:

          Time Interval Graphics (days)      0.1000         0.1000
          Max. radius in plots (km)        200.0000       150.0000
          Format [comma separated (csv), 
             matlab (mlb), none (non),        mlb            mlb
             or both (bth)]: